Yoga with Christine

My vision

Yoga is a way of life. I wish to offer the participants to my classes a harmonious life thanks to a careful and safe practice of yoga adapted to the needs of each student.
Yoga allows a holistic approach to our being. The word yoga means "union." The objective is that each course activates the 5 envelopes of our being. Our physical body Annamayakosha through postures, our energy body Pranamayakosha through breathing practices, our mental and emotional body Manomayakosha through meditations, our body of knowledge Vijnanamayakosha through the discovery of yoga philosophy and our body of Anandamayakosha bliss through mantra chanting or Yoga Nidra.
With my classes I want to share the philosophical concepts of yoga.

Each class is organized around a theme. The subject can be physical (opening of the hips, relaxation of the shoulders, relaxation of the neck ...), philosophical (the Yamas and Niyamas, the Koshas, ​​... ) or even personal development (improve your sleep, dare to shine, overcome your fears, ...). Classes include introduction to the topic, centering, warm-up, postures (asanas), relaxation with meditation (mantras) and breathing exercises (pranayama).

Benefits of Yoga

Is yoga for me?

Yoga is beneficial for everyone. You don't have to have a perfect body, or be young, flexible or sporty. Controlling your breath is doing yoga.

There are many different practices, each of which has its own characteristics, goals, and benefits. The important thing is to identify the yoga that suits you best. The benefits of yoga are numerous and there are more and more scientific studies to prove it.

What kind of yoga?

I mainly teach Hatha Yoga with a focus on body alignment along with careful and benevolent execution of the postures.

To enrich my courses or for specific needs, I resort to other types of yoga, such as Restorative Yoga (a yoga that uses many accessories for greater comfort in the postures), Yin Yoga (prolonged duration of the postures for a deep stretching of the muscles ) or Kundalini Yoga (to work on the vital energy of the body).

I am especially passionate about breathing techniques. With breathing we have an access door to our nervous system and thus we can modify it. Thanks to specific techniques, depression, sleep disorders or even headaches can be relieved.

Benefits of Yoga

Yoga allows you to:

  • Improve your physical strength to feel stable and balanced
  • Improve your flexibility to develop a positive and open attitude towards events
  • Learn to observe and listen to your body increasing body awareness (proprioception)
  • To accept your body as it is, with its strengths and weaknesses
  • Establish a connection with your breathing that is a gateway to our nervous system
  • Determine your life mission and set your priorities
  • Learn being instead of doing, fully living the present moment

Yoga helps to know yourself better. May the trip be profitable for you!

Who I am?

I was born in 1961, both of my parents were German. I grew up in Brussels in an international environment. When I was young, I dreamed of being a sports teacher, but eventually, my decision turned to architecture. An exciting profession that I have practiced in different facets: from working in my own architecture studio to working in a company, world leader in its specialty. But little by little the direction in which the business world focuses its priorities was moving away from my essential values. This led me to an intense period of reflection about what I wanted to do with my life, and that is how I began to deepen the practice of yoga.
Passionate about yoga since the 2000s, I have followed intensive training courses in order to deepen my personal practice. These trainings have completely transformed my vision of yoga. With the discovery of this philosophy together with the alignment of postures and the conscious practice of breathing, I experienced a transformation on a physical level but above all profound changes on a personal level. I learned that the exercise of yoga on the mat is a reflection of the habits we have in our life and that if we create a daily space for this practice, these benefits will be reflected in our day to day, thus increasing our sense of well-being. Enriched by this experience, I felt committed to sharing what I had learned so that others could enjoy it as well.

Since then, I have been organizing yoga workshops in the beautiful city of Granada, Spain, where I settled with my husband Philippe. Today I am lucky to be able to dedicate myself completely to my two passions: yoga and ceramics.
My diplomas:

  • Formation professorale Méthode Diva Yoga de l'Université internationale de Yoga - 2019
  • Instructor de Hatha Yoga y Meditación de la Escuela Yoga Vida (Sevilla) – 2019
  • Teacher education program Pranayama for Emotional Wellness, Athletic Performance and Expansion from Akhanda Yoga – 2020
  • Anatomía aplicada al yoga de Julia Zatta – 2020
  • Masajista Yóguico Healing Hands Nivel I y II de la escuela Yoga Vida y Ashima – 2021
  • Pranayama & Meditation Online-Seminar mit Dr. Shrikrishna Bhushan Tengshe – 2023
  • Rebirth your Breath retreat at Anand Prakash ashram in Rishikesh - 2023
  • Formation Yoga des émotions de l'Université internationale Yogami – 2023
  • Entrance to the Subtle Body workshop at Swami Rama Sadhaka Grama Ashram in Rishikesh - 2024